I consider myself a people person. I adore people. I don’t however, want to work out with people. I am the Lone Ranger of exercise. The thought of selecting an outfit from my collection of threadbare workout fashions, that is actually socially acceptable enough to wear to a group class at a gym, gives me hives.
Not to mention my fear of ridiculous lighting, unforgiving clown mirrors and the entire class staring at the least coordinated gal in the room. Because that would be me. No thanks. If you feel the same way, maybe you need Aaptiv.
Aaptiv is an app that couples audio workouts with legit trainers and music that is actually good. I was a little skeptical at first. How good could a workout app really be? If there wasn’t an actual trainer in my face and a bunch of people around to judge me, then how could I be motivated to keep moving?
I like to run but let’s be real, sometimes I become complacent and fail to push myself. The next thing I know, I have lost valuable ground and stamina. I clearly needed help. I downloaded the app to my phone and grabbed my earbuds and running shoes.
When you open the app, you see that you can choose from many kinds of workouts. There is outdoor running, treadmill, elliptical, indoor cycling, stair climbing, stretching, yoga, walking, and meditation. It even has 5K training and all the way up to a full marathon. It honestly has something for everyone.
I selected Outdoor Running.
I was then presented with a comprehensive list of running workouts.
The first thing that I observed were the three levels of workouts. Green, being the easiest or beginners, yellow, you are getting there and red, you are killing at life.
I noted the music selection. There was pop, dance, hip hop, classic rock, alternate, R & B and chill. I chose a workout called Put Some Miles On It. This was a beginner workout with walking and running intervals. The workout said it would take 36 minutes and 38 seconds to complete 2.5 miles, all while listening to pop music.
As soon as my trainer Mr. Ray started talking and Bruno Mars started singing, I knew that this was the workout for me. If upbeat and fun isn’t your style though, there are many others trainers to pick from. You can find your favorites. But I knew that Mr. Ray was my motivation.
We began with a one minute walk and some stretches to get warmed up. Then Mr. Ray told me it was time to bring it. He wanted a 30 second jog, to the beat of the song. Then a walk to regroup. Next, he told me to run for 45 seconds. Then walk. Next up a full minute. Mr. Ray said if I needed to modify that was perfectly fine. Just to push myself. He even said that if I tried to call 911, he would be the one on the other line, telling me to keep going.
Mr. Ray was knowledgeable, entertaining and I was not going to let him down. He kept challenging me to run as I listened to Gucci Mane, Michael Jackson, Flo Rida, Naughty By Nature and Missy Elliott. Before I knew it, the workout was over. As Mr. Ray walked me through my cool down, I checked my stats. I actually completed 3.2 miles in 36 minutes. That was a 11.25 mile pace. I was very proud of myself.
The best thing about Aaptiv is how versatile it is. There are seven minute workouts for when you are trying to squeeze fitness into your busy schedule. There are 182 minute marathon workouts. And absolutely everything else in between. I love this app.
Aaptiv also has maternity focused workouts. From prenatal to post pregnancy, they have you covered. There are even jogger stroller workouts. And I definitely see you crazy stroller joggers out there. All of the maternity workouts are developed by pre/postnatal trained and certified trainers.
If you have a hard time squeezing in exercise because of your crazy life, OR if you are pregnant and not sure what is safe for you to do at each stage OR if you are a raging introvert, Aaptiv is perfect for you. Download the app now and start your free 7 day trial!
What do you have to lose?
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