I write this post in disbelief. Disbelief that no one has YET to contact me, wanting to throw fists fulls of money at me, so a camera crew can follow around this family. We are nothing if not entertaining. Has your family been extra sick this winter? Is it just mine?
It all started a couple of weeks ago when my oldest son got a stomach thing. For about twelve hours he slept in a chair, only waking to sprint to the bathroom. I kept Gatorade, a cool rag and an emergency bucket at arms reach of him, at all times.
I was proud of the fact that my kids are now old enough to manage their own stomach bugs. Gone are the days of me crying over vomit-soaked carpets and upholstery.
My main objectives were simply making him as comfortable as possible and Lysoling every surface in the house. I could not let that virus spread. And you know what? No one else got that stomach bug.
A couple of days later I noticed my middle son looking puny. Upon closer inspection he was warm with fever. Middle Man also had a sore throat and aches. Most of the time in our family, those symptoms mean Strep.
The next day we were off to the walk in clinic. After a review of his symptoms, the doctor ordered both a Strep and Flu test. Both had been prevalent in our community recently. As a matter of fact, several school systems were shut down, for days at a time, due to the high number of student and teacher absences.
Strep negative. Flu negative. Must be a virus. Fluids, rest and ride it out to the bitter end. Good luck.
Just so happens that my daughter had an appointment for a checkup that day after school. I couldn’t reschedule the visit without waiting weeks, so off we went. All four kids, including my sickly Middle Man.
While waiting on my daughter, I heard my youngest son complain that his ear was hurting. Then it occurred to me that he had said the same thing that morning. A nurse heard him complaining and told me that the doc had an open appointment if I wanted to get Baby Man checked.
Sure. Since we were already there, why not? What’s one more medical bill today? The pediatrician first checked his ears. They were clear. Then she said she was going to order a strep test. Which was crazy because Middle Man didn’t have strep. Why would the Baby Man?
Strep positive. Wait. What? I had two kids sick in the same day, with two different things. Well at least the baby would get an antibiotic and be on his way to well.
A couple of days later everyone was back at school. Then and only then did I have time to realize that the sinus pressure in my face had gotten unbearable. You know the kind of pressure that actually makes your teeth hurt? Knowing full well that I had to take care of myself in order to take care of others, I went to the walk in clinic. I left with a prescription for antibiotics to treat my sinus infection. I would be good as new in no time.
Except that is the exact opposite of what actually happened. Later that night, something else took over my body. I had a fever, chills and a headache. I was extremely fatigued and had lost my will to function as a human. Dad took over Mom duties because Mom was waving the white flag.
I spent the next two days on the couch. I didn’t see the point in a return trip to the doc. I had meds for the sinus infection and if it was the flu there wasn’t much they could do for me anyway. So, I suffered in stoic silence.
Don’t ask my family about that last statement though. This is my blog and I write the truth as I remember it.
By day three I was able to resume life duties again. But then in a cruel twist of fate, my daughter went down. Doctor. Flu positive. So now we had stomach bug, viral thing, strep and flu. And whatever I had, which wasn’t confirmed by a doctor.
A couple of days later my daughter was fever free and feeling mostly better. Not great but much improved. I sent her to school. The second day back, she texted me begging for Advil and to be picked up early. All while I was on a school field trip and not in fact able to pick her up early. I felt sure that she was being slightly dramatic, as drama is the stuff of which middle school girls are made.
After the field trip I went to the school to check on her because I am not a monster. She was burning up with fever AGAIN. Back to the doctor. Strep negative. Mono negative. Right? I didn’t see that Mono one coming either. Apparently her lymph nodes were gigantic. Diagnosis: Still the flu. No more school for the week. #BadMom
Now this is where I wish I could give you some good news. But I cannot. You see, after my daughter finally got over the flu, My middle son, the very one who had the viral thing a week before, has now come down with the flu.
To say I am freaked out would be an understatement. I sent the other three kids to school today, fearful of what else they might bring home. I have sanitized, scoured and Lysoled everything that I possibly can.
We wash our hands until the word chapped doesn’t even seem strong enough. I have added a vitamin D supplement to our regimen. I have set a temporary affection/physical assault ban. There is to be absolutely no hugging/touching/punching/wrestling among family members. We gotta contain this thing.
Anyone else ready for Spring?
Annette Baugh says
Good heavens!!!! Bless you all. Oh the joys of contagion among family members…I surely hope everyone is well really soon. It makes an interesting read, but as the same time you have my sympathy… and tons of well wishes for all.