It is finally spring time. One of my most favorite times of the year. Life just gets warmer and greener.
If you have young children then there’s a good chance that you’re involved in youth sports. Maybe even multiple sports. Spring time can be a wild ride for families with multiple kids. This year we have baseball and flag football.
For those of you who haven’t lived it, let me explain.
You are a mom. You already have to get up early on the weekends. Forget relaxing with coffee. You might as well spend it at a sports complex.
There is an impossible list of things to remember for every game: gear, snacks, water, sunscreen, technology, towels and jackets. Oh and of course your kid. You are absolutely going to forget something. Just make sure it isn’t your kid.
Just because you get up on time, doesn’t mean you will ever make it to the game on time. There is no rush like sliding in on two wheels, and racing towards the field, carrying your kid and all of his gear.
You have just gotten in your workout for the day. Nice job.
Spring is a time of transition. The weather will either be too hot or too cold. There is absolutely no chance that you will dress correctly. But it is always fun trying.
You will spend hours on metal benches. Metal benches are comfy. Said no one ever.
Unless all of your kids are on the same team, you will have someone sitting on that metal bench with you, who is bored out of her mind. A bored kid is exhausting.
You will think about all of the money that you spent on fees and gear this season, as you watch your 7-year-old sit on the field, playing with his socks and shoes.
Is he picking flowers?
There is always that one kid on the team, who makes you feel like a failure as a parent. You tell yourself, she was obviously born with crazy good talent. She still has her shoes on and everything. What are we doing so wrong?
You watch your kid do a terrific slide into third base. Which completely puzzles you, because he was playing outfield. Now his white pants are covered in red dirt. His small moment of fun, will now cost you hours in the laundry room and he didn’t even get called safe.
At least one game a season, you will be responsible for the team snack. No pressure but you had better make it both delicious and nutritious. Everyone is watching you open that cooler.
You look at your once shiny vehicle. It is completely covered in red dirt and gravel dust. The good news is you won’t have to wash it until the season ends. Why bother? Dirty is the new clean. Dirty says I have kids.
Outdoor sports require cleats. Cleats are evil. They are either caked with mud or dusty with dirt. Either way your car interior and your home will never be the same.
All of your money will go to sporting goods stores. I have actually gone to three different stores before looking for the correct shin guard.
Spring is supposed to be fun. Your life now revolves around practices and games. Your Saturdays are no longer your own. Heaven help you if you have kids on different teams. Before the season is over, you will swear that you are NOT going to put yourself through this next year. It is just too much of a hassle for a kid who barely cares.
But then it happens. You see your little guy on deck. It is his at bat. Just look at those adorable baseball pants.
You stand to cheer because that is YOUR baby up there. He gets his feet set. He is baseball ready. His eye is on the ball. You hold your breath.
Pitch one. He swings. He misses. That’s okay.
Pitch two. He swings. He misses. You still believe. The third pitch flies at him.
He nails it! It sails into the outfield!
The crowd goes crazy! He stands there, dazed. You yell: RUN!! RUN!! He races for first base. It all seems to be happening in slow motion.
He slides in. He is safe! That is THE most amazing feeling as a parent.
Your family is jumping around like he just won the world series. You yell “great job” and “Mommy loves you.” He looks like he could crawl under a rock and die.
But that is your right as a parent. You earned the right to act like a lunatic. THAT feeling is EXACTLY why we go through the hassle.
We don’t REALLY do all of this for our children. I mean, sure they have fun every now and then, but this is all for us. There is no feeling like watching your children soar.
This is just little league. I will never be able to handle the major leagues. Because that is where he is headed you know. Did you see that hit? That talent is undeniable.
Ask any mother. She will tell you the same.
Annette Baugh says
Another winner!!! Love the never ending hassles a mom goes through. I still don’t know where you get all your energy!!!