Last year I wrote a blog post about the Power Of Turning Forty. Forty was a big deal. You will never get me to say the words “middle-aged” though. Type them sure. But never say them. My lips are sealed. The number 4-0 made me feel like I was entering a whole new era. The […]
What If I Am Not Dressing My Age?
Tell me the truth? What do you think about these shoes? The fact that I am having deep thoughts associated with a shoe, lets me know that something is going on. I am a shoe fan from way back. The first pair that I ever loved was a sassy brown zip-up boot with a chunky […]
The Power of Turning Forty
I just had a monumental birthday. The big 4-0. I spent the last year of my thirties trying to figure out how I was going to feel about this milestone. I won’t lie, it was scary. I knew it was supposed to arrive with all kinds of new feelings and changes. I decided early on […]